Divorces can be quite heart-wrenching moments, and some might also get messy. It can be devastating to see your marriage fall apart, and you would want to get over the moment as soon as possible. Therefore, you might eliminate sentimental things that take you back to your marriage, and you may think about what to do with wedding dress after divorce.
One such thing that is the most critical element of your wedding is the dress you wear on your special day. People pay special attention to choosing the best dress for their wedding, especially in South Asian countries such as India and Pakistan.
So, what do you do with sentimental items after divorce? And most importantly, what to do with wedding dress after divorce? To help you out, I’ll discuss a few things you can try out for your wedding dress after your divorce.
The Sentimental Value of Your Wedding Dress
So, how can I reuse my old wedding dress? It might be the question buzzing in your mind once you start getting rid of things after a divorce. But before you answer that question, knowing the value it holds for you is essential. It epitomises a marital keepsake you might have looked forward to your entire life.
The dress is usually a key highlight in a marriage. But after a divorce, it can remind you of past marital hurts. Most wedding dresses around the globe also have a high cost. Therefore, it won’t be in your best interest to discard it. Let’s explore the different things you can do with your wedding dress after your divorce.
What to Do With Wedding Dress After Divorce – 5 Different Options to Try
Whether you got a divorce yesterday or a few years ago, you can get rid of the wedding dress and move on with your life. If that is not the case, then there are also different things that you can try. Let’s explore the five options you can try with your wedding dress.
1. Repurpose Your Wedding Dress into Something New
Another option worth exploring for your wedding dress is repurposing it for any other thing. You can find companies that repurpose wedding dresses into different things, such as
● Decorative pillows
● Chic handbags
● Baptismal baby shoes
● And a lot more!
And you do not need to go to companies if you are crafty enough. All you need is a little time and experience with the sewing machine. Next, you can take your pair of scissors and give your wedding dress a new meaning according to your preference. There is no limit to what you can do to create something unique from your wedding dress.
2. Rent It Out or Sell It
There is a good chance that your ex-husband has rented out his suit or tuxedo for his wedding day. So, what stops you from doing the same thing with your wedding dress? It can also be an excellent idea for those wondering what to do with a wedding dress after the wedding.
Budget-conscious brides know they will probably wear the wedding dress for a single day. Therefore, they might consider renting a wedding dress rather than buying a new one. So, it presents an excellent opportunity to use your wedding dress and generate extra cash.
And if someone is interested in buying your wedding dress and considering paying a reasonable price, why not sell it? It can help you get some extra cash in your hand, and it is much better than destroying or throwing the dress away for eternal satisfaction.
3. Keep It for Later
If you are going through a divorce or have been divorced recently, the wedding dress can lead to a fusion of emotions. The tears might start rolling down your eyes, or you might fire up in anger after seeing the dress. So, keeping aside and dealing with the wedding dress later is best.
You can have a lot on your plate after a divorce, and it will be the right thing to do. Once the overwhelming emotions fade away, you can think straight about what to do with your wedding dress. Make sure to get it cleaned and carefully stored so you can easily find it next time.
4. Pass It To The Next Generation
You may have the wedding dress that is given to you by your mother. If not, having one would have been a sentimental thing for you. So, instead of just throwing it away or giving it to someone else, you can keep your wedding dress for your daughter.
While the wedding dress might get old or be out of fashion, it will hold a tremendous sentiment. And if your daughter wonders what to do with mom’s old wedding dress, then just tell her that there are a lot of things she can try, such as:
● Use it as a flower girl dress
● Turn it into various wedding details
● Repurpose it into a rehearsal dinner
● Incorporate it into your accessories
5. Donate the Wedding Dress
Only some people are lucky enough, like you, to be able to afford a wedding gown for their big day. While yours might have divorced after some time, it doesn’t mean your wedding gown can’t be worn on any other wedding. Therefore, you can donate a wedding dress to someone in need.
You need generosity to help you move on from your previous marriage. You can find the proper organisation to take your wedding dress to someone in need. It might be the best thing you can do with your wedding dress. By donating your dress, you are giving it a new life and a more significant meaning.
6. Have a Divorce Photoshoot
Last, you can go for a divorce wedding dress photoshoot and destroy it. The #trashthedress photoshoot is a trend that started as a fun post-wedding trend. It would entail the bride wearing their wedding dress in any event other than their wedding.
In the process, they would then trash their dress – or make sure to get it dirty. This online trend’s divorce photo shoot version is quite successful on various social media platforms. Therefore, you can use it to destroy your wedding dress and mark it as your independence.
Beyond the Dress: What to Do With Sentimental Items After Divorce?
There are other sentimental items apart from dresses you need to get rid of after your divorce, such as the wedding ring. So, what can you do about the sentimental thing after your marriage ends? Here are a few options that you can try out.
Wedding Ring
Keep It: A divorce can bring a significant change in your life. So, hold on to the wedding ring for now. You can keep it to yourself and then pass it to your children.
Sell It: Divorces can be messy and costly. If the lawyers’ fees and the lengthy court battles left you with little to no cash, you can consider selling your wedding ring. After selling your ring, you can also consider donating the case if you don’t need or want the money.
Repurpose It: If you like your ring but don’t want it to remind you of your wedding, you can repurpose it. Many people can turn their rings into new jewelry, such as earrings and necklaces.
Wrapping Up
It is important to remember that your wedding dress isn’t about your spouse; it is about you. Therefore, you get to decide what to do after divorce. With this comprehensive guide, I hope you have a clear idea regarding what you can do with your wedding dress and ring.
What To Do With Wedding Dress After Divorce: FAQs
What to do with wedding dress after divorce in Pakistan?
Weddings are like a special event in Pakistan, and a divorce can be heartbreaking for the entire family. Nevertheless, you can consider selling your wedding dress to someone willing to purchase it. Many people might be in need and can’t afford a wedding dress. So, consider donating it as well.
What to do with wedding dresses after divorce in India?
Like in Pakistan, a wedding is a special occasion for the bride and groom’s families in India. But after a divorce, you can sell your dress or consider giving it to someone else. There are a lot of relatives that might be interested in using your wedding dress as well.
How long can you keep a wedding dress?
It usually depends on the quality of the fabric and other factors that influence the life of the wedding dress. Nevertheless, you can put it safely in a garment bag and store it properly to ensure the dress retains its fresh look throughout the years.
What happens if you don’t preserve your wedding dress?
Preservation is vital to ensure that your dress looks elegant and retains its beauty, just like it did on your wedding day. If you don’t take proper care of it, then there is a possibility that the dress will start yellowing over time.